Jose Canseco Fired Due To Insensitive Tweets About Sexual Assault

Jose Canseco has never been accused of being the brightest guy in the world. Nor has he been known to be a very funny guy as well. It seems that both of those things will never change. For the most part, he’s been seen as a wack job. But a string of recent inappropriate tweets about sexual assault have led to him actually getting wacked from his with NBC Sports California.

This week, amidst a bevy of sexual assault allegations against several high-profile male figures in entertainment, sports and politics, Canseco took to Twitter to weigh in on the highly-sensitive issue. 

In a thoroughly insensitive string tweet of tweets, the former MLB slugger stated that he had been molested by women, that it was “kind of a turn-on” and that women coming forward with allegations are “racist against ugly men.”

Jose Canseco on Twitter

Well I mean I’ve been beaten by women taken advantage of by women and molested by women I never complain but it was kind of a turn-on

In response to Canseco’s comments, NBC Sports California has announced that he will no longer appear on their television station as part of their Oakland Athletics coverage. 

“Jose Canseco is no longer an employee with NBC Sports California,” the network said in a news release. “His agreement with us ended after the 2017 season. We certainly don’t agree with his comments, which do not reflect the values of our network or our team partner.”

Canseco was expected to sign on for another year of covering the A’s prior to him reminding everyone that he really is an idiot.

Jose Canseco on Twitter

These women complaining against sexual misconduct are just racist against ugly men

Since sending the tweets, Canseco has tried to downplay their insensitivity, saying, “If people can’t take a joke, that’s ridiculous. What I’m saying really has no meaning. Those tweets don’t even make any sense, they’re a bunch of riddles.”

Evidently the only thing that really makes no sense, and quite honestly never really has, is Jose Canseco himself.

Jose Canseco on Twitter

What is going on with all these politicians molesting women I’ve been molested by several women and never complained

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