John Elway On Kaepernick In Denver: “He Had His Chance.”

The Denver Broncos have suffered from inconsistent quarterback woes since Peyton Manning retired from the NFL.

Even with starter Case Keenum and new backup Chad Kelly, Denver’s general manager John Elway said the team is still considering the option of acquiring a veteran QB for insurance.

“We are working through that process,” he said. “Even though Chad played well if something happened to Case, could he come in and win football games? That evaluation is still going on.”

James Palmer on Twitter

Colin had his chance to be here. We offered him a contract.” John Elway when asked about Keapernick as a viable option if they look for a veteran backup QB on the open market.

But, when asked if they’ll potentially consider Colin Kaepernick, that conversation was immediately shut down.

Colin had his chance to be here. We offered him a contract, he didn’t take it, Elway said.

The Broncos previously tried to trade for Kaepernick back in 2016 following Manning’s retirement announcement. But, in order for him to join, Kaepernick was asked to accept a pay cut. The quarterback declined and returned to San Francisco for another season.

El Flaco on Twitter

important to note this was BEFORE the anthem controversy began. already see people making fools of themselves saying “i thought he said he was getting blackballed.” stop that.

It seems like old feelings are still lingering over there in Denver and some, like Bomani Jones, are sniffing it out. Context is everything and Elway forgot to mention his exchange Kap happened pre his retirement, pre NFL blackballing. 

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