Jemele Hill To Voice LeBron James Mini-Series “Shut Up And Dribble”

In the past, Jemele Hill has spoken up passionately for what she believed in. Now she’ll be speaking up again. But this time as the narrator for LeBron James‘ upcoming documentary series “Shut Up and Dribble.” Hill, who recently departed ESPN, confirmed the news yesterday.The three-part documentary series will air on Showtime in November.

“Lately LeBron has talked about gender and wanting to uplift and position black women in particular. I get the sense that this is all part of that,” Hill told The Hollywood Reporter. “If you look at the societal ladder, black women remain on the lowest rung. He clearly understands that we are facing a unique battle. It means a lot that he understands the intricacies of that.”

Jemele Hill Proves That Free Speech For Black Folk Ain’t Free At All

As these times continually meander forward, we find that there are infinite ways upon which absurdity can be visited on our lives. By now most are aware of the recent fallout around ESPN’s Jemele Hill and her Twitter comments regarding President Donald J. Trump being a white supremacist.

Both Hill and James have been critical of, and targeted by, President Donald Trump on numerous occasions. Trump even went so far as to recommend a private citizen be fired from her job for expressing opinion on social media, which is actually illegal. But since when has legality ever really mattered when it comes to Trump?

Last year ESPN showed their true colors by disciplining Hill when she called the president a “white supremacist” on Twitter. Till this day, no one in mainstream media has once dared admit the obvious, that Trump is a white nationalist in practice and theory. Yet, that’s exactly what he is and Hill was unafraid to call it out. Meanwhile, others still cower.

Jemele Hill on Twitter

@DonnyParlock @demillz84 @JayG34 Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists.

“I think LeBron, like a lot of people, has been very frustrated by the behavior of this administration,” Hill said. “[African-Americans] feel very insulted and vulnerable within this time because of whos in charge.”

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