Ja’Marr Chase’s BM Ambar Nicole Calls Chase’s Mother A ‘Witch’ And Threatens To End His Career

The problems between Ja’Marr Chase and Instagram model Ambar Nicole started in 2021 before the star wide receiver was drafted by the Bengals. In October Nicole, who has a son with Chase, called him an abuser and went to social media to call on the NFL to kick him out of the league.

She later clarified those remarks, but definitely seems like a woman scorned.

Now she has threatened to drop more receipts on top of the ones she already posted on her Instagram Story earlier today.

Nicole started her rant by posting an old photo of Chase laid up in bed with a long in-depth caption.

“Now Mr.Chase you have some skeletons in your closet in your closet. I know the real you. Stop dodging the courts and responsibility. You know yourself I have multiple videos that will end your career in one post. I’ll have my attorney at the bengals facility in 2.5 seconds. You know wassup,” wrote Nicole on her Instagram caption.

She proceeded with her next post of a poll on her Story that asked if she “should go live later to share the horror stories and receipts while dealing with her BD(baby daddy).”

Then, she took a shot at Chase’s mother for her next act on her Story. She posted a picture of her with another long caption similar to the one she did about Chase.

“You are not my child’s grandmother you are a witch who practices voodoo and black magic and I rebuke you. I already told you before aren’t allowed around mine. You made my life miserable and as a mother yourself you should be ashamed,” Nicole wrote.

One of final blows on her story was directed at Chase. She posted screenshots of purported past conversations the two had while she was pregnant. The messages appear to show Chase calling her out of her name and telling her to leave him alone.

Nicole captioned one of the post that insinuated Chase was “sassy” in one of his responses back to her. She blocked out the things she said to him making it hard to see the full context of the conversation that prompted such a cold-hearted response from him.

The last thing she posted was another long caption before she deactivated her account.

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