Candace Owens Says Black Women Don’t Like Taylor Swift Because She’s “Giving Karen” and Travis Kelce Is Just Using Her

There has been much rewound attention on Taylor Swift since she entered the narrative of the NFL. Enter conservative pundit Candace Owens, who does not like Taylor Swift.

She believes that the pop superstar is “the most toxic feminist that’s ever existed,” and her relationship with Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl-winning tight end Travis Kelce is, in essence, a fabrication.

Additionally, Owen amplified opinions she discovered on the internet that there is a consensus feeling among Black women that Swift, although beloved by many, is a “Karen,” and that is why Black women do not like her. As a conservative darling, Owens is not the most beloved within a considerable section of the Black community, but is this her attempt at being redeemable?

“If you’ve seen what she’s ever done in business and how she tries to manipulate her audiences to get out of deals and contracts, she’s totally insane,” Owens said on The Daily Wire’s Backstage Live show.

“She’s the most toxic feminist that’s ever existed, and what she does is, the threat is that basically if she doesn’t get what she wants, she writes a song about a guy and then has 15 million girls singing the songs and drops little clues so they know who it’s about. I don’t think you appreciate how psychotic that is that you can’t date her for two weeks without her writing a song about you.”

The “two weeks” reference was a nod to Swift’s brief relationship with recording artist John Mayer, which was between 2009 and 2010. The “two weeks” reference to their relationship is probably an Owens exaggeration. However, after working together and evolving into a couple, both singers released breakup songs when it was over.

In Swift’s “Dear John,” many believed she shamed Mayer for their 12-year age difference; Mayer was in his early 30s then.

One lyric read:

“Dear John, I see it all now, it was wrong / Don’t you think nineteen’s too young / To be played by your dark, twisted games when I loved you so?”

In Owens’ purview, this was one early example of Taylor demonstrating her Karenness.

“What she did to John Mayer as well …he was like, ‘I literally did nothing to her, like we went on one date, and I didn’t deserve this,’” Owens continued. “Then there’s a bunch of 10-year-old girls whose brains are not developed who then go and attack whoever it is.”

Owens also thinks that Travis Kelce is just here for the newfound business opportunities that come with being Taylor Swift’s boyfriend and not for true love. Why? Because he’s “only dated Black girls.”

“Travis Kelce has exclusively dated Black girls; he did a whole show only dating Black girls,” Owens continued. “This is not even his type; he just realized that this is like a good business move for him, and it is, it’s a genius business move for him. It’s going to be one album and then its over.”

The 2016 reality show Chasing Kelce showed 50 contestants in a quest to land the football player’s heart. Maya Benberry, a Black woman, won the show. The two dated for a few months in 2016 after the show before calling it quits, and Kelce pivoted in 2017 to dating Kayla Nicole. The two reportedly were on again, off again for five years.

Since their breakup and Swift being Kelce’s new boo, Kayla Nicole has been transparent about the online abuse she has taken from Taylor’s fans, aka Swifties.

Candace Owens’ distaste for Taylor Swift leans more toward her version of conservativism than an opinion rooted in Black solidarity. But will she be invited back to cookouts for this take remains to be seen.

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