“I Like It, I Don’t Know If I Love It, But I Like It | Deion Sanders Speaks On College Football Hiring Practices

Deion Sanders continues to use his huge platform for the betterment of Black college football. From a revenue, visibility and exposure standpoint, HBCU football hasn’t had someone speak so consistently and convincingly about making sure student-athletes from black colleges and universities are not overlooked. 

Sanders has been very outspoken on the matter, and the word he always uses is “separatism.”

From the NFL Combine to HBCU Combine, Sanders has let it be known he’s fed up with the way HBCU student-athletes are undervalued by NFL reps, and he’s striving to change that. He’s also voiced his opinion about the inequities in resources between HBCUs and Power 5s. He’s scolded the NFL for shortchanging the HBCU talent pool. Now Deion has criticized college football’s hiring practices. 

Deion can appreciate the recent efforts the NFL has made to diversify and improve hiring practices, particularly as they relate to minorities. He supports the new addition to the Rooney rule, which says the 32 NFL teams must employ a women or minority as an offensive assistant. It’s a move that the league is hoping will help change the lack of diversity on NFL coaching staffs.

What Is The Shadow League Rooney Rule Modification? | Only NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Can Truly Guarantee Compliance

Sanders is on record saying that while he does approve of the NFL’s new rule, he isn’t head-over-heels in love with it either. Sanders shared his sentiments, Monday on the matter via his Instagram page.

“I like it, I don’t know if I love it, but I like it,” Coach Prime said. “Because I don’t like forcing anyone’s hand, but for opportunity I guess sometimes we have to.”

Sanders Believes The NFL And NCAA Should Mirror Each Other

As a football coach, Sanders strives for consistency daily. In order to be successful that’s a vital trait that must be considered. And the easiest way to achieve consistent positive results is through repetition.

“College football should mirror pros in all facets,” Deion said. “Through the processes of the game, and hiring as well. Just imagine if all of college football were mandated to hire a female or a member of an ethnic or racial minority as an offensive assistant coach. … That would be awesome. I would love to see this implemented in college football. I don’t like nothing forced, but I’ll take it.”

Sanders Recently Made Comments About NFL Owners Hiring Practices: You Can’t Make Them Do What They Don’t Want To

In mid-February on his “21st and Prime Podcast,” Sanders mentioned how people who complain about the lack of minority coaching representation in the NFL are going about it the wrong way. 

“We’re gong at it the wrong way,” Coach Prime said. “We’re trying to entice billionaires who are at least 50 to 60 years and older and grew up in a different time and era to hire who you desire them to hire, when in fact they are where they are, they’re a billionaire because of the decisions that they made personally, assisted by a staff I’m pretty sure.”

Sanders also recently mentioned how they could fix the one-sided hiring practices that have become a staple in the NFL.

In a mid-February interview on the “Rich Eisen Show,” shared these sentiments.

“Why are we shooting at coaches from the African-American point of view? Let’s go to the top. Let’s have expansion, Rich. Let’s have expansion of three to four teams and mandate there has to be minority ownership in these three to four teams. And then let it fall where they may.”

“We’re Going At It The Wrong Way”| Deion Sanders Believes NFL Should Give Three Expansion Teams To Black Owners

Since Sanders’ comments, the league has seen two more Black coaches hired. The Texans decided on Lovie Smith and the Buccaneers promoted Todd Bowles with Bruce Arians heading into a front office role. This flurry of moves brought the grand total of Black coaches to three. What’s unique is both have already been head coaches and getting a second chance is very rare for Blacks.

Deion doesn’t want special advantages for minority candidates. He just wants a level playing field, where the talents of a minority coach can be fairly accessed and evaluated. 

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