HS Black Girl Rower Called Rosa Parks, N-Word By Opposing Team

Myasia Joga is the only black member of her rowing team, and her experiences dealing with racism at her New Jersey high school has made her stronger, more resilient and understanding of the way bigotry is still rampant in American culture.

The Root on Twitter

Myasia Joga, the only black member on her HS rowing team, was called N-word and ‘Rosa Parks’ by white opponents after competition: https://t.co/NgwJ0q9Qdf

Joga, a student at Absegami High School in Galloway, N.J., says that after a recent rowing competition, she became the victim of racial slurs from a group of white male teen rowers on the opposing team.

Surprised? Of course not. Stories of this nature have been prevalent since Donald Trump assumed the presidency and basically let it be known that racism and oppression would be tolerated under his regime. 

According to theroot.com, Myasia says that after a Mothers Day rowing competition, she had to sit on a separate jitney from her teammates because theirs was full. When she got on the jitney, she says, two members of the Mainland Regional High School team sat next to her and called her Rosa Parks before using the n-word, according to NBC 10.

Myasia admits that it was a difficult moment. Like many Blacks who exist in multicultural environments she basically had her you’re a nigger moment that white competitors, teammates and sometimes even friends, remind you of either subtly or blatantly. 

Carron J. Phillips on Twitter

The racism, bigotry, and insensitivity in sports commentary has really gotten out of hand. Minorities and people of color from the high school ranks, all the way to the pros, have had to deal with this. I wrote about it. https://t.co/GQcAMwiWgr

That was the most unforgettable few moments of my life and crew, Myasia said.

In an interview with the Atlantic City Press, Uly’s Joga, Myasias mother, said that she wanted a face-to-face apology with an adult present.

At that time I just wanted my daughter to feel comfortable. It could have possibly been settled there, but we waited an hour and a half for them to come, and they never came, Uly’s Joga said.

 Mainland Regional superintendent claims that an investigation was conducted and the students in question were disciplined.

We will continue to enforce our commitment to Mainland being a safe and inclusive place for our students, staff and those that we interact with, whether in our school or in the fields, through additional education and continued enforcement of our zero-tolerance policies, the superintendent wrote.

That sounds nice, but wheres the public apology and insurance that this never happens again. White administrators often have a hard time dealing with these issues because, quite simply, the oppression of Black people is acceptable in this society and any exposure of such bigoted activities in only seen as a nuisance to the parties involved. 

Hopefully, this situation was no more than an eye-opener for Myasia and it only inspires her to work harder, grow faster and continue to diversify the sport, because This is America and it wont be the last tie we hear a similar report.    

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