Hard to Root For Tom Brady and The Pats

If there’s any justice in sports, Tom Brady will be the big loser on Sunday.

Brady and his New England Patriots will lose to the Denver Broncos in the AFC Championship in Denver.

It will stop Brady from going to yet another Super Bowl. And this man on a mission nonsense will be for not.

In Las Vegas, the Broncos are the favorites. On paper, Denver’s defense has been good all season long. The Broncos should be able to win and restore fairness back to the league.

It would only be right and just for NFL and America. After all, Brady, the Pats’ starting quarterback, has gotten away with so much cheating and dishonesty over his career, including Deflategate. 

Thanks to a hack of a federal judge, Brady’s four-game suspension was nullified late summer, allowing him to start the season.

Most outside of New England felt that Brady got away with another one, cheating his way to his fourth Super Bowl victory.

What makes sports fun and compelling is that most believe there’s an equal playing field, and that all involved have an equal chance to win.

Most don’t believe that’s the case when it comes to Patriots coach Bill Belichick and his team.

Here we are again – back at the scene of the crime.

Brady was levied the punishment after the Ted Wells investigation revealed that Brady had a role in conspiracy to deflate footballs below the allowable limit at last season’s AFC Championship Game.

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(Photo Credit: USA Today)

That’s why most NFL fans will be pulling for Peyton Manning and the Broncos. It’s not that fans are crazy about Denver. It’s more like an anybody but Brady movement.

Because of that terrible judge, the NFL missed an opportunity to hammer home that no one, not even the Golden Boy, is above the game.

To this day, it’s amazing that some New England fans believe that the NFL was railroading Brady into a crime he didn’t commit. That simply made no sense for Brady, one of the faces of the league. 

Clearly, the ball boys didn’t do this on their own. Any honest former NFL QB great would acknowledge that it could not have happened without Brady asking for it. Even Joe Montana – Brady’s childhood idol – fingered Brady.

Former NFL coach and broadcaster John Madden also said Brady had to be involved.

Yet, Brady and the already-convicted Patriots got to laugh at the NFL – again. They got to keep their Super Bowls despite Spygate. And in that case, they were found guilty.

Just maybe, this time the NFL Gods will get to laugh at Brady and his cheating organization.

It would be even more special if the Pats lost on a bad call or the referees making an incorrect ruling that helps Denver to victory.

Just like the Patriots were helped en route to their first Super Bowl win in the Brady Era.

In 2002, the Oakland Raiders were cheated. Brady fumbled in the closing moments of that AFC divisional game at Foxboro Stadium. Clearly, it was a fumble.

The Raiders recovered the ball. But instant replay reversed the call, giving the ball back to Pats who went onto win the game.

It was the start of Brady’s charmed life in the NFL.

And before some of you think Brady is free and clear, just remember that Ryan Braun won a PED case against MLB. Later, he was caught and suspended.

Lance Armstrong challenged many in court, too. Armstrong even won settlements in cases where people said he was doping. Later, Armstrong’s world of lies came crashing down, too.

Most honest football fans know Brady had a hand in this scandal. It still hurts his character and tells you about him.

Brady, once in the same class as Derek Jeter for their squeaky-clean careers both on and off the field, is no longer there. His resume is dirty.

There are many in the NFL that won’t view Brady the same away going forward. Hard to respect a cheater. Better yet, a man who won’t own up to his mistakes and simply ask for forgiveness.

Long term, Brady will wind up the loser. Losing on Sunday would be a nice start.

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