Former Fox Sports Reporter Emily Austen Is Not An Outlier

Fox Sports Florida reporter Emily Austen has been relieved of her duties after recording a video segment for Barstool Sports in which she made a variety of offensive remarks. 

The former sideline reporter for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays and the Orlando Magic on Fox Sports Sun and Fox Sports Florida, who’d also worked as a former sideline reporter for the Boston Celtics did a lot of popping off about the Cleveland Cavaliers’ Kevin Love, calling him a “little bitch” on numerous occasions, in addition to showing her idiocy when discussing other ethnic groups. 

She was not speaking on behalf of FOX Sports, nor do we condone any of the statements she made in the video, Fox Sports Florida senior vice-president Steve Tello said in a statement to Deadspin. Emily has been advised that her comments were unacceptable, and she is not scheduled to appear on any upcoming FOX Sports Florida or FOX Sports Sun broadcasts.

Emily and her doofus co-hosts did this on Facebook Live, where they were under the impression that the segment would later be edited and posted without showing their true colors. But thankfully, it has been unearthed in its entirety. 

I didnt even know Mexicans were that smart, she said at one point near the 25:30 mark, sounding as if she’d been reading straight from the Donald Trump playbook when discussing an undocumented Mexican student receiving a full scholarship to University of Texas.

You guys know that the Chinese guy is always the smartest guy in math class, she says in one of the dumbest analogies ever, while one of her nearby cretins agrees.  She also expounds on how she would “…talk to the Jews…” when she was waiting tables in Boca Raton, after someone else on this imbecile panel talked about how stingy Jewish people were. 

In today’s social media climate, where everyone wants the microwaveable rout to Kardashian-type fame, we have fools like this masquerading as journalists, racist morons like this given prime jobs in sports media, not because of their knowledge and talent, but because of what and who they look like.

And if you think she’s an outlier, you’d be surprised at how many-like minded people are working in some journalistic capacity in every major sport today.

At one point she says, “I’m not trying to be racist, but it’s true.”

Well here’s some wise words for you Emily. You are a racist. And you’re incredibly stupid.  

Thanks for letting us know who you really are. I’m so happy to hear about your career suicide.

The sad part is that there are so many others who think just like you hiding behind their microphones.

And what’s even sadder is that when you got fired, your boss probably paraphrased Sergeant Waters in A Soldier’s Story by saying, “… and when we had slit her throat, you know that fool asked us what she had done wrong?”

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