Donté Stallworth Has No Time For Illogical Anti-Same Sex Marriage Arguments

Donté Stallworth's had an interesting summer. Today may have been the most intriguing for him. While the arrest of his former Patriots teammate Aaron Hernandez dominated the headlines today, Stallworth seemed more preoccupied with the Supreme Court striking down the Defense of Marriage Act than the coverage of Hernandez's arrest. After the Supreme Court announced its decision, Stallworth took to Twitter to state his support for the ruling.

Unfortunately, because he has such a vocal opinion on a divisive issue, Stallworth's Twitter mentions were flooded with supportive and equally negative comments. Amid the early morning flurry of news, Stallworth went out of his way to address ignorant opinions being sent to him. Props to Stallworth, because he's a kinder man than I am towards people who try to rabble rouse with insufferable and opinions or incongruent comparisons.




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