Could Jay & Bey’s Drama Be a PR Stunt?

If you look at the timing and details, it’s hard to not wonder if Jay and Bey have devised some type of Jedi mind trick like publicity campaign that intentionally plays on the world’s love and addiction to scandalous drama, salacious rumors, and nonstop speculation. Think about it.

Exactly a week ago, we saw an infamously “leaked” elevator video starring Solange as the mad, bipolar sister, crazily attacking her brother-in-law, Hova.

RELATED: Jay Z Attacked by Solange

Hours later, Jay and Bey were smiling courtside at the Nets’ playoff game. The next day, Beyoncé’s pictures had mysteriously vanished from Solange’s Instagram feed. Two days passed, and Sean Carter was seen jewelry shopping with Solange after a tweet with her claiming Jay had cheated with Rihanna was proven to be fake. By the work week’s end, the Carters had released a joint statement to the Associated Press saying that what we witnessed on that video had been a typical family beef issue they were working through.

RELATED: Jay & Bey Release Statement on Solange Elevator Attack

Over the weekend, as expected, SNL spoofed the entire Met Gala elevator incident. The hilarious skit, featuring Sasheer Zamata (Solange), Jay Pharoah (Jay Z), Keenan Thompson (the Bodyguard), and Maya Rudolph (Beyonce’), included its own voiceover version of what really happened in that legendary Standard Hotel elevator.

This same Saturday night, Jay and Bey dropped a movie trailer promoting their upcoming tour. The video called "Run" is a star studded, Bonnie and Clyde, faux film featuring a handful of Hollywood heads from Sean Penn and Jake Gyllenhaal, to Blake Lively, Don Cheadle, Emmy Rossum, Guillermo Diez, Rashida and Kidada Jones.

To top it off, the king and queen each currently appear on separate eye-catching covers of Ebony Magazine. 

Now, this could all be a coincidence in timing. Jay and Bey could just happen to be the talk of the media thanks to emotionally erratic Solange. Her flip out incident could just have happened to occur days before their planned release of "Run." The fake film's drop was probably timed with the newsstand arrival of their Ebony covers.


Maybe The Carters are laughing at all of us. Perhaps this has all been a sociological experiment in diversion, while Jay and Bey partake in a real life Bonnie and Clyde heist. Strategically robbing our time and minds by holding up social media and newscasts for seven days of global chatter that all leads to their ever growing bank account of cheddar.

Maybe. We’ll likely never know. But we’ll still enjoy the distraction of the show.

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