Washington Commanders Suspend Rael Enteen After Hidden Video Captures Him Saying Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones Is NFL Puppet Master Who Hates ‘Gays and Blacks’

Grandma used to say, “Some things you need to just keep to yourself.”

Rael Enteen, Washington Commanders VP of Content, should know this better than anybody. If he didn’t understand that concept prior, he definitely does now.

The Commanders are just removing the stench from the Dan Snyder era, where the franchise was mired in losing seasons, accusations of a misogynistic and fostering an unhealthy workplace, cheerleader scandals, racial discrimination and an overall disdain for the ownership. 

Washington has a new regime at the helm and Dan Quinn as head coach. A rookie quarterback and Heisman winner in Jayden Daniels, who probably has the biggest upside of any quarterback, and a tough opening game, traveling to Raymond James Stadium to face the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. So the last thing the organization needs is another PR disaster or questions about the culture of the franchise. 

Washington Commanders Suspend Rael Enteen For Nasty Hidden Video Comments

That’s why the franchise acted swiftly on Wednesday, suspending vice president of content Rael Enteen after an “undercover video” of him has been released to the public.

In the video, Enteen goes on a scathing rant, blasting the team, the league, the players, the fans, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, Jerry Jones and his Dallas Cowboys. 

Enteen left no stone unturned, and reportedly, the way he was tricked into giving up this information is more fascinating than what he actually said. 

Was Enteen Tricked By Media Company With Hidden Camera?

Enteen was captured on a hidden camera staged by a company called “O’Keefe Media” that apparently set up Enteen on a date with a woman, plied him with some wine and then he started chirping like a bird. 

The VP went all in on everything NFL. By the time he finished, you wonder why he even works in the league, since he seems to hate everyone and everything about it. It’s messed up that he got bamboozled into getting himself suspended, but the material he provided that evening is the stuff of legends. 

On the fans: “Most of the NFL fans I would say, are high school educated alcoholics” and “mouth breathers” and “violent … There’s fights in the stands all the time.”

On the Commanders players: “A big chunk is very low-income African-Americans that comes from a community that is inherently very homophobic. … It’s a cultural thing,” adding that many players are “dumb as hell.”

On the NFL’s progressive actions: “Social justice efforts are a performance for the sake of public perception,” which he said includes the NFL’s commitment to Black Lives Matter, Pride, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which exist “to make as much money as possible.”

On NFL commissioner Roger Goodell: “He a $50 million puppet.”

Who Is James O’Keefe?

The man behind the video is James O’Keefe, an American political activist who founded Project Veritas, a far-right, activist group that uses deceptively edited videos and information gathering techniques to attack mainstream media organizations and progressive groups.

O’Keefe is known for secretly recording and videotaping encounters in academic, governmental, and social service organizations, purporting to show abusive or illegal behavior by representatives of those organizations.

The catch? The recordings are often selectively edited to misrepresent the context of the conversations and the subjects’ responses.

Apparently, now he’s infiltrating NFL organizations.

Enteen Says Jerry Jones Is NFL Puppet Master and Hates ‘Black and Gays’

Enteen appears to be referring to Jerry Jones as the puppet master, who he claims, “really runs the NFL,” and of whom Enteen says, “I think he hates gay people and black people.”

Enteen, who has worked for the Commanders since 2020, seemed to be set up, but he fell for the trap and said some things that he may never be able to recover from. He hasn’t been fired, but of course the Commanders have no choice but to launch a larger investigation into Enteen’s activities and communications with people about the team and the league.

Related: Washington Redskins Cheerleader Scandal Reveals Exploitative Culture (theshadowleague.com)

No employee wants their dinner talk to be spread across the internet, but social media companies are playing dirty and anyone who covets their job has to be careful what they say over glasses of alcohol to a complete stranger. 

This is also another black eye for a franchise who doesn’t need any more PR disasters.

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