Colts’ Edwin Jackson Awarded Posthumous Degree By Georgia Southern

In February of 2017, Colts’ linebacker Edwin Jackson, along with Uber driver Jeffrey Monroe, was killed by a drunk driver in the early morning in Indiana. Jackson was 26 years old.

At the time, while his family, teammates and fans were grieving and devastated by his loss, Trump decided to politicize his death by turning it into fuel to fan the flames against immigrants and further his ignorant agenda. But cooler, and smarter, heads prevailed and refused to let these deaths become a political issue, instead honoring their memories by paying for their funerals and through acts of caring such as establishing a scholarship in Jackson’s name.

Indianapolis Colts on Twitter

The Irsay family has created a memorial scholarship in honor of Edwin Jackson. Help us keep his legacy alive:

Fourteen months later, this past Saturday, Jackson was given another honor as Georgia Southern, where he played after walking on, awarded him with a posthumous degree, which was accepted by his still grieving parents.

Georgia Southern Football on Twitter

The late Edwin Jackson was awarded his degree posthumously today by @GeorgiaSouthern … just wait til the end for goosebumps. #GATA #GSGrad18 @NFL @Colts

Another classy way to honor the memory of a man taken from the world too soon.

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