Colin Kaepernick To The Kansas City Chiefs? Owner Clark Hunt Would Do It

First Michael Vick said he wanted to get into coaching, so Kansas City Chiefs Head Coach Andy Reid brought him in as a coaching intern. Now the owner of the Chiefs says he would have “no hesitation” in bringing in Colin Kaepernick.

Are things about to get Blacker at Arrowhead? They just might.

Appearing on The Newy Scruggs show on NBC Radio, Chiefs’ owner Clark Hunt said he wouldn’t have a problem signing Kaepernick to the team.

You know I really wouldnt, Hunt said. Obviously, we have an interesting dynamic in regards to Colin in that we have Alex Smith as our starter. Because of that, I wouldnt anticipate that Andy (Reid) would come to me with that.

But, generally, Im not going to tell our head coach or our GM not to bring in a player if they think that player can bring us some success on the field and make us better.”

Now there are certain circumstances where guys get in trouble off the field and that is something as an organization and as a family we care about. Were not going to bring those types of players in. In terms of a player like Colin, I would have no hesitation bringing him into the organization.

It’s interesting to see how two players who are lightning rods for both praise and criticism could potentially be on the same team, and even more ironic that it could happen a week after the flare up over Vick’s comments on Kaepernick’s hair. But the main thing that really counts in this situation is the fact that an NFL owner has clearly voiced that he would have no hesitation insigning Kaepernick, especially since it’s apparent that all of his other fellow owners have decided to blackball the more than talented enough to play former 49er.

Colin Kaepernick Blackball Quotes

Kansas City would be an interesting place for Kaepernick to land as it appears to be the home for quarterbacks, especially former 49ers, looking to revive their careers. With names like Joe Montana, Steve DeBerg, Steve Bono, Elvis Grbac and Alex Smith all making the Chiefs a destination after leaving the Bay Area, Kaepernick would be a great fit and would follow in the tradition of QBs heading east after donning the red and gold.

If it does happen, you can be sure that all cameras will be headed to Arrowhead, especially when Vick and Kaepernick have their first discussion at the local barbershop.

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