Charles Oakley Incident Reflects Ineptitude of Knicks Franchise

When will these guys get it right?

The way the Knicks organization treated a franchise legend in Charles Oakley like dirt and then rubbed it in on Twitter proves that they are now officially the most classless organization in the league, run by a rich, privileged, clueless owner who is more concerned with abusing power than winning championships.

The scene of Oakley being ushered out of the arena by a crew of security personnel and eventually arrested as if he just brandished a handgun and threatened James Dolan’s life was one of the most pathetic off-the-court scenes I’ve ever witnessed at Madison Square Garden.

Most people thought the worst when they witnessed the incident. Oakley seemed very mad and he was extremely aggressive in his response, and we know he didn’t come to the game for that. Regardless of the beef between Oak and Dolan, the entire situation could have been handled better by the Knicks.

Oakley is not known as an instigator, but like Stephen A. Smith said on ESPN this morning, He is known as a finisher, and Oak is known to slap the black off dudes that come at him sideways. He’s done it everywhere from the street to the club to collective bargaining agreements. But he has integrity and the respect of the fans and a lost Knicks franchise forgot that.

@NY_KnicksPR released some bs tweet about Oakley being abusive and needing help.

Oakley says the team is lying. He bought a ticket to the game and he claims he didnt say anything. He says security stepped to him and said he has to leave the building. Naturally after 10 years of giving his blood, sweat and tears to the Knicks, Oak felt he deserved better and his anger with the way hes been treated since retirement definitely affected his response.

Oakley left the Knicks in 1998. Patrick Ewing left after the 1999-2000 season. Their departure left a huge void. No more leadership. No more heart. No more connection to the city and the culture. Just a record of 509-740, seven playoff wins and four playoff appearances since the 2001-02 season. Just a continuous stream of sad and cursed moments in Knicks history.

This most recent fiasco reflects a deep discord between Knicks management, the fans and the players of a golden time in Knicks history. A pattern of bewilderment and an energy that is as dark and disgusting as can be.

James Dolan has managed to destroy Knicks basketball. Its official. And the fact that the Knicks owner is more concerned with embarrassing a respected Knick and mistreating him in front of thousands of fans tells you all you need to know about why the Knicks organization is a walking joke and the biggest disappointment in New York athletics.

Sure, the Brooklyn Nets are losing games faster than King James is losing his hairline, but at least they are doing it quietly.

The past two months — from Derrick Roses abandonment of team duties to Phil Jacksons constant beratement of his franchise player to James Dolans continued inept ownership — have revealed a deep, destructive fabric that is embedded in the Knicks organization.

It begins at the top where Dolan has alienated the ’90s Knicks players and left the kingdom in the hands of an over-the-hill legend in Phil Jackson who has done nothing but show his New York ass since he’s gotten here and tried to desecrate the reputation of one of the greatest scores in NBA history and one of the best humans and patriots.

He’s taken credit for the few good things and refused to accept the blame for his failures as President. What he hasnt done is broken the chain of mediocrity and madness. It has sucked him in as well and now Jackson seems to be a wounded dog snapping and snarling at anyone in his vicinity that can relieve him from blame and preserve his legacy as a sure-shot winner.

That’s what a Knicks franchise under Dolan seems to do. It divides and conquers. He has no respect for the fans because those idiots fill the Garden seats regardless of what garbage product is on the floor.  A city that once had unrealistically high expectations for every player on every sports team is now content with not losing by 20.

Theres no need to go back and recount every embarrassing Knicks moment in the past 15 years, but this recent incident with Oakley definitely makes anybody’s Top 5.

The stench coming from MSG is sickening. Problem is, you can’t fire the owner

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