Browns’ Seth DeValve, First White NFL Player To Kneel, Speaks Candidly

Last night before the Browns’ preseason game against the NY Giants, a group of players took a knee and bowed their heads during the National Anthem in support of the ongoing movement against social injustice.

(Getty Images)

One of those players was Seth DeValve, a tight end for the Browns. What makes DeValve stand out is that he has become the first white player in the NFL known to have taken a knee in silent protest. Players like Chris Long have supported the movement by placing a hand on their teammates shoulder, but none had taken a knee until now. When asked about his actions, DeValve made a profound statement, bringing his family into the mix.

Coy Wire on Twitter

1st white player kneeling in anthem protest @SethDevalve “I myself will be raising children that don’t look like me

Seth is married to a Black woman and he’s concerned about the future for his children, who will be facing situations that not all can associate with. DeValve recognizes this fact and was not afraid to address the situation head on. 

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