Apparent Unpopular Opinion: Black Men Aren’t The Devil

If altruistic aliens read only certain digital outlets to determine Earth’s greatest threats to other human beings they’d immediately vaporize every black man. That’s how bad some of these outlets are.

The narrative is essential in media.  For every train of thought given life via dissemination to the masses, there are untold legions who believe these things to be factual.  Nowhere is that truer than in regard to digital media.  Editorializing and unique perspectives are often muted in favor of views more or less set along two poles of influence. Either leaning toward a particular view or away from it. It is the very nature of being polarizing.

And, in the media polarization sells. I have often wondered at the phenomenon that constantly speaks of the decaying obsolescence of the black family.   As has become apparent with the manner in which cop-on-black abuse porn generates great revenue for those that pander in them, black trauma and tumult are profitable.  

The traumatized tend to like to revisit trauma, in my opinion. And that appears essential to their dispersion. It is the very pollen from which these timeline weeds grow and spread–clogging perception, triggering reactions.

I guess that’s why every time I turn around I see lengthy discourse among digital denizens swirling around one “Black Men Ain’t Sh*t” editorial piece or another like flies to dung.  Indeed, but who are we to judge dung?  It has its nutritional elements for flies and vegetation, but the facts of the matter are much more nourishing.

These sorts of pieces are definitely institutional and speak of everything negative regarding black male effectiveness in a world that is factual set against him. However, trauma is the very foundation of some of our greatest accomplishments.

But the narrative that speaks to black male ineptitude could stand to be dispelled a bit.  The following statistics are to that end.

The phenomenon of the absentee black dad is a particularly voracious one. Having spurned untold hundreds of editorials in recent years.  Former President Barack Obama helped stoke this narrative by admonishing absentee dads on numerous occasions. However, the facts appear to show black men needed no such admonishment.  



Why would the first black president believe it necessary to waste airtime on telling black men something that the overwhelming majority of them didn’t need to be told? Because he believed it was true, too.  But, when you’re living in a matrix that’s demonstrably anti-black male, one in which every institution has weighed in on his marginalization, misinformation inevitably becomes fact.  Some people spend their entire lives believing this to be fact. Newsflash! Black Dads are actually the best Dads! Imagine that?

I believe this also is apparent in the ongoing battles of the sexes that have gone thermonuclear with the advent of social media.  You know, the whole “all the good ones or either gay or into white girls” diatribe that is the centerpiece of a multitude of celebrity-based admonishments that spiral into yet another trial of black male obsolescence and ineffectiveness.



Though there are certainly measures of healing and reconciliation that need to take place among black familial partners as a whole, anything that speaks of the black man in an unbalanced matter, whether good or bad, is simply propaganda of an unknown purpose. These charts showed that the truth is a quite different one than what Facebook troll and Twitter tantrums would have us believe.

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