Almont High Football Parents Represent The Worst America Has To Offer

This IG video captures racist parents spitting on and attacking Black high school football players kneeling during the national anthem prior to a Michigan state semifinals playoff game in the metro Detroit area on November 23rd.

As first reported by the Detroit Free Press, Denby High School football coach Deon Godfrey’s squad — which is composed of mostly African-American players — was attacked with trash, spit and a barrage of racist jeers when the players took a knee during the pre-game airing of the national anthem.

In addition to the racial slurs and trash hurling, parents and fans of Almont High in Almont Township, which is less than 1 percent Black, were calling Denby’s white coaches “wiggers”.

Then the assaults began. One student’s shirt was ripped after he was attacked by a crazed parent. One parent punched a student in the face and was not arrested by the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department.

Reminiscent of Deep South In 50s and 60s

Apparently, police are still investigating…

Well, the recorded video should show the officers everything they need to see. This incident is disappointing but it’s not surprising, especially with the racial divide that is being reinforced every day on social media, television, the news and these bogus history lessons our kids get in school

The irony lies in the fact that the white community in Almont Township is acting as if they are so offended that these young kids are taking a knee to bring light to the social injustice and police brutality that they experience in their communities every day.

These parents were so offended that they decide to reinforce the bigotry in this country, thus justifying the kids taking a knee in the first place.

We must continue to shine a light on this kind of brutal racism from privileged people who refuse to eradicate the hate, but instead, reinforce it. They are so mad that Black people have pride and a voice that they infuriate themselves to the point where adults are attacking innocent Black children as officers stand idly by and allow it to occur in a scene reminiscent of the deep South in the 1950s and 60s.

Kathy Sagert, who is white, wrote on Facebook that her children “were appalled by the racist remarks and actions of the Almont fans from the very beginning of the game.”

“They witnessed hatred and racism at its best. They were so shook after the game. Any adult who spits on a kid should be arrested,” Sagert said.

A Denby counselor, Bob Burg, said one of the Black students “was called a monkey by one of the officers.”

Detroit Denby supporters protested Almont Community Schools and its football team during the Division 5 state championship on Saturday at Ford Field. An estimated 20 Denby supporters stood behind a police barricade outside Ford Field, home of the MHSAA state championship games this past weekend.

Some used a megaphone to voice their displeasure about the post-game fracas during the previous week’s state semifinal game.

Almont Township should be ashamed. The team won the game, but it lost all respect as a town. The people have truly failed America and the entire community should be quarantined.

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