Adrien Broner Backed Out Of Fight Citing His Mental Health, His Opponent Has No Sympathy In Profanity-Laced Clap Back

Adrien Broner is admitting his troubles with mental health and has opted out of fighting his next opponent, Omar Figueroa Jr., this Saturday. Broner announced via his Instagram, sending a jolt through the boxing world. He is now being replaced by former world champion Sergey Lipinets.

“Man I’m going thru a lot at this moment in my life but I aint go give up I set some more goals and I ain’t stopping until I finish what I started but sorry to say this but I’m not fighting #August20th” Broner posted on his Instagram gallery.

The latest admission in a string of testimonials and reflections on his boxing career has seen Broner place himself as a victim. He has discussed his frustrations with former mentor Floyd “Money” Mayweather, his adviser Al Haymon, and Showtime Sports President and GM Stephen Espinoza.

Now Adrien is pointing the finger at himself and revealing the root of his issues.

“Sorry to all my fans but #MentalHealth is real and I’m not about to play inside the ring I’ve watched a lot of people die playing with they boxing career and that is something I won’t do just pray for me I love the sport of boxing to much to not give my all and I feel Like I came up short before because my mind wasn’t 100% there and I be dam if I make that mistake again I need to make some changes for the better instead of worrying about other people feelings and pleasing them when In all reality I have nothing to prove to nobody,” Broner wrote on his Instagram stories.

“I’m a 4 time world champion in 4 different weight classes and if I never lace up a pair of gloves again I feel like it’s safe to say I will be inducted into the #BoxingHallOfFame So I have to step back and overcome this obstacle before I go put my life on the line inside the square circle again I know I’m far from being finished with the sport SEE YALL SOON.”

There is an adage: you can’t play boxing. The sport comes with a non-playing team of coaches and cutmen, and the solo nature of it can be unforgiving. Add to that the pressure of being and staying unbeaten, winning belts, and developing a brand presence that can generate millions of dollars. You have the perfect storm for mental instability.

Broner has been in and out of jails in his native Cincinnati for years. In 2019, he was issued a restraining order after making homophobic threats on social media. After being accused of sexually assaulting a woman in a Cleveland nightclub, he was ordered to pay $830,000 in damages. As current as last year, Broner had a parole violation and was jailed after failing to enroll in a court-mandated alcohol treatment program.

However, his opponent, Omar Figueroa Jr., couldn’t care less. He feels that Broner’s pattern of mockery and personality-based gimmickry has tainted what would have been an excellent opportunity.

“As we all know, my fight against that mf Broner is off. Now ‘I don’t mind’ because this is something we expected so we had plans in motion to mitigate most the aftermath. What REALLY passes me off is that NOW this mf wants to use #MentalHealth as a FKN excuse. THAT, I have a problem w because that’s BS,” Figueroa, Jr. posted.

“You don’t get to cry #MentalHealth now, mf! Not saying you DON’T suffer from mental health issues as WE CAN ALL tell you do, just don’t use it as an excuse NOW, after you’ve been undisciplined and not taking this fight/training camp seriously! If it really IS mental health, PLEASE SHOW US THE PROOF THAT YOU WENT AND SOUGHT PROFESSIONAL HELP. You love to post all your sh*t on social media, why not let us in your ‘mental health recovery’?

“You don’t get to undermine mine and countless other’s journey and struggles w #MentalHealth because of our undisciplined/childish dumb ass! #F**KYOU, Broner! Just when I thought you couldn’t stoop any lower!

Now Broner has to hope that boxing will be there if/when he decides to return to the sport.

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