Aaron Hernandez’s Ex-Fiancée Accused Of Blowing Through Trust Fund Money For Daughter


Aaron Hernandez has been dead for just under six years now, and after the former NFL star committed suicide in prison while serving a sentence for murder, the courts ensured his daughter would have money to grow up with and she’d be taken care of.

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While he can no longer be here to ensure that his only child is receiving her financial entitlements, the person who is supposed to be handling that role is now accused of abusing that position.


Is Aaron Hernandez Ex-Fiancée Stealing His Daughter’s Money?

Aaron Hernandez’s ex-fiancée, Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez, has been accused by a trustee of mishandling funds from her daughter’s trust account. The lawyer assigned to oversee the account has not only been suspicious of her activity with the money but has filed for her to be removed as a conservator of the account for those same reasons.

Attorney David Schwartz, the trustee for the account has claimed that Jenkins-Hernandez’s spending habits “merit scrutiny,” and now the mother and the lawyer are waging a court battle over whether she should be removed as conservator of the trust fund.

The Boston Globe reports court documents show Jenkins-Hernandez spent $36,858 on clothing, $39,347 on home goods, and $25,577 on online shopping purchases. An additional $11,792 was spent on “self-care,” which allegedly included costs from gym memberships and visits to beauty salons.

Adding to Schwartz’s suspicions was $18,406.04 in “unexplained” ATM withdraws, as well as a $3,720 payment made to Bay Path University in Massachusetts.

Jenkins-Hernandez Defends Exorbitant Spending 

Jenkins-Hernandez defended the expenses; however, another attorney, Robert O’Regan, who Schwartz filed the motion with, disputes whether all those sums are valid child expenses.

“I believe that [Jenkins-Hernandez] has been co-mingling the child’s funds with her own,” O’Regan stated. “I believe that Ms. Jenkins-Hernandez’s ongoing conflict, her almost five-year-long record of excessive expenditures, continuous violation of this court’s decree … and her failure to file an inventory and up-to-date accounts all indicate that despite what might be her best intentions, Ms. Jenkins-Hernandez is not effectively performing her duties as conservator.”

Another expense that Schwartz was not satisfied with was $10,000 on dance lessons. When she tried to take the $10,000 for the dance lessons, she was denied that money, which led her to file a motion to have Schwartz removed as trustee.

Aaron Hernandez’ Ex-Fiancé Has Received Over $800K

Jenkins-Hernandez has received $832,040.83 since former New England Patriot Aaron Hernandez committed suicide in 2017. This was all allocated through the trust fund that was made for their daughter’s well-being.

While Schwartz is attempting to have Jenkins-Hernandez removed as the conservator to the trust fund, she is simultaneously trying to have him removed as the overseer of the trust fund account. She claims that Schwartz is blocking her daughter from participating in her favorite hobby. 

Jenkins-Hernandez’s lawyer Stephen Withers has responded to these accusations, claiming that Jenkins-Hernandez isn’t doing anything wrong, just trying to focus on her daughter.

Withers countered in court documents, “What Shayanna has done is focus on her children. Any allegation or insinuation that she’s spending money inappropriately or for any other purpose is absolutely false.” 

Aaron Hernandez’s Brain Showed A Severe Case of CTE

Aaron Hernandez and Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez had been dating on and off since high school. He became a an All-Pro NFL player but obviously struggled with mental issues and violence issues as he shot several people and displayed split personality disorders while moonlighting as an NFL player. It all ended tragically for Hernandez when he hanged himself in his cell.

Hopefully, Jenkins-Hernandez does what’s best for their daughter with their money moving forward, should she stay on as the conservator.

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