A-Rod’s Lawyers Nearly Had A World Star Moment In Court

The sheer level of ratchetness surrounding A-Rod's half-witted defense nearly reached World Star levels. According to a source, Rodriguez's attorney Joe Tacopina and Julio Ayala, Tony Bosch's representative nearly came to blows during the third day of the hearing on Oct. 2. It's odd that a dispute involving the representation of classy gentlemen such as A-Rod and Tony Bosch, who is dressed like a stereotypical sleaze at all times, could reach this level.

Via ESPNNewYork:

Told that MLB might need several more days to question Bosch, Tacopina was quoted by the New York Daily News as saying, "Well, I guess we have all of October, and by then Mr. Bosch will be in jail."

"If he is, he is not going alone," Ayala is alleged to have retorted, prompting Tacopina to "bull rush" Ayala, according to the source. Tacopina was restrained before any blows could be exchanged.

The source, who spoke to ESPNNewYork.com on the condition of anonymity due to the gag order imposed upon the proceedings, did not dispute the exchange.

Tacopina has been known to represent some of the most reviled men in America, so it's no surprise that he was chosen to represent A-Rod. Every circus needs a ringmaster.

Also, the show could be in town for a while. According to the source, the arbitrator Fredric Horowitz may not rule until November. Sounds like an opportunity for a reality show. Somebody get this man a webcam.

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