Your Weekend In Tweets: 10.15.12 Edition

The New York Football Giants showed us, once again, they are the class of the NFC and perhaps the NFL. Falcons are the only undefeated team in the NFL, but do we trust them to win big games? Texans have finally been exposed. And the Yankees are facing 2-0 deficit and getting clowned in the process. Lots of great stories this weekend and these tweets sum them up.


If you didn’t get one soon you would have to change your twitter handle.


Let’s see if you can keep it up.


A self-gif I’m not mad at all, Sir.


Chuck is in our prayers.


Sorry, Kevin.


You might want to watch your back.


I don’t know how it happened, but it did.


This is how you humbly accept a victory.


This is not how you humbly accept a victory.


Never forget.


How can you not be?


It’s cool for you to chew him out, but not for the fans?


Only in America.


Not so much.


Can we bury this phrase with the word “swag”?


They have work to do.


How much more perfect could he have been?


He’s forgotten he has to go back there one day.


This kid has “it”.


We’ll see how inconsequential his tackles are now that he’s out with injury.

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