Wrongfully Convicted Man Gets Old Job Back As White Sox Groundskeeper

Nevest Coleman is a person of color. Incarcerated for decades for something he didnt do. Then hes released into the world years later after hes proven innocent. It happens too often in this country to darker folks, but Colemans story has an ending thats a home run any way you slice it. 

Coleman worked for the Chicago White Sox in 1994 as a member of the groundskeeping crew when he was railroaded and charged with a heinous rape and murder. He spent the next 23 years behind bars until DNA evidence last November led prosecutors to vacate Coleman’s conviction and a Cook County judge granted him a certificate of innocence this month, clearing his name.

Chicago Tribune on Twitter

In prison, Nevest Coleman always said he was an innocent man. He told everyone: “If I ever get out, I want to go get my job back with the White Sox.” Last year, he was freed and his name cleared after 23 years behind bars.

Finding employment after such a lengthy prison stint is difficult for most brothers, but Coleman was immediately given a new lease on life and the White Sox were waiting to help him pick up where he left off by giving Coleman his old job back. 

According to Chicagotribune.com, The White Sox heard Nelsons story from friends and supporters and then invited him to 35th and Shields for a job interview.

 The rest is now poetic justice. 

Were grateful that after more than two decades, justice has been carried out for Nevest, the team said in a statement. It has been a long time, but were thrilled that we have the opportunity to welcome him back to the White Sox family. Were looking forward to having Nevest back on Opening Day at home in our ballpark.

Megan Hickey on Twitter

Nevest Coleman returns to work with the Chicago White Sox – recently released from prison after 23 years for a murder he didn’t commit @ABC7Chicago https://t.co/zw4j8bXVKk

While years of false incarceration can be emotionally, physically and psychologically damaging to most people, Coleman has returned from the brink of death to be vindicated. 

The chicagotribune.com reports prosecutors pushed for Coleman to receive the death penalty after his trial in 1997, but a long line of character witnesses stood up for him at his sentencing hearing, including three White Sox employees.

Nelson still considers the White Sox a family.

Id wake up in the morning proud to go to work, Coleman told a throng of reporters at the stadium on Monday. A lot of times, you get people who get jobs, you go to work, you be like, I dont want to go. Here, I loved it.

Now hes come full circle, gotten his life back and the White Sox get the classy organization of the year award. 

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