With His Kaepernick Stunt, “Kid” Proves That He Ain’t Our Type Of Hype

Anyone who follows sports media at all knows that Jason Whitlocks soul was sold a long time ago as it pertains to the way he speaks about black athletes and people of color period, who have almost become numb to him, his big bag of bullcrap and ridiculous antics. Or at least so we thought. 

During a recent taping of his low-rated FS1 show, Whitlock brought out a Colin Kaepernick look alike onto the stage. Fake Kaepernick came complete with an afro wig and black leather glove with a raised fist, a la Tommie Smith and John Carlos.  Whitlock posted the pic on his Twitter feed and all hell broke loose as most people thought the man portraying Colin was a caucasian man. 

Jason Whitlock on Twitter

Great to have Kap stop by the studio today.

But the faux Colins real identity was shocking because, up until this incident he was beloved by many who grew up around Hip Hop in the late 80s and early 90s. How Christopher Kid Reid ended up trashing a young man who is only trying to make a difference for his culture, no one is sure. An even better question is what he was doing cooning with the likes of Whitlock? 

Kid has been making music with his partner in rhyme, Christopher Play Martin, for decades. Kid ‘n Play holds a special place in the hearts of Hip Hop fans who experienced the culture at a time when the genre was more innocent, lighthearted and fun. 

XXL Magazine on Twitter

The guy dressed as Colin Kaepernick in the viral photo with Jason Whitlock? It’s apparently Kid from Kid ‘n Play https://t.co/0XkJHpM4pf

But his followers were dismayed to learn that Kid had turned away from lyrics like Aint Gonna Hurt Nobody, in favor of behavior that is definitely hurtful to many. And people want to know WHY?

All money isnt good money. And were not sure how much Kids legacy was worth to Jason Whitlock, but it should have been priceless to Chris Reid. There is no amount of money that could have been worth the hit hes taking as a result. 

The work days over and I’ve got it made
Like Johnny Kemp said I just got paid.

People are mad at Jason Whitlock, but then again people are always mad at him. No surprise there. We dont expect much from him at this point. 

But people arent just mad at Chris Reid. Theyre hurt, confused and most importantly disappointed. 

God’s Monster on Twitter

@kidfromkidnplay You deserve a #RobinHarris style ass-whooping for the @Kaepernick7, @WhitlockJason skit. You THAT broke bro? #UPSIsHiring #SorryKid #Sellout

This stunt makes fun of people who have done nothing to laugh at. Kaepernick is actually standing for something. What does Mr. Reid stand for? 

People now feel like maybe they were duped by Kid all along while others are hoping it was a cheap ploy by a thirsty man who is desperately seeking attention and or money. It would be almost too much to bare to think this was done for any other reason. Others hope he falls on his face the next time he decides to jump over his leg on stage, but we digress. 

This lack of common decency in a climate that is overrun with negative images and feelings towards people of color is irresponsible at best. 

Kid ‘n Play – Ain’t Gonna Hurt Nobody (HQ Video)

Album: Face the Nation “1991” Soundtrack: House Party 2 (1991)

And it leaves us wondering what happened to the guy who had a Saturday morning cartoon once upon a time, that we respected and looked up to as a pioneer.

Was it all a farce? It definitely doesnt make us want to Roll With him anywhere if this is how he rolls. 

This foolishness was probably a pedestrian attempt at humor at best. But it came off sophomoric, mean-spirited and tacky as hell. While we still dont know exactly what it was supposed to be, we do know that it Aint Our Type Of Hype at all.

House Party – Dance off – long version – Ain’t my type of hype

Kid N Play – House Party – “Ain’t my type of hype”

At the end of the day, this is one battle that Kid did not win. Hes got folks out here who used to feel sympathy for him now feeling happy that he got whooped by Robin Harris at the end of House Party! 

That  is not a good look. We guess his name backwards describes him best this time. Not even Blade Brown can save him from this mess hes made. Were expecting a half-hearted, publicist concocted apology to be forthcoming soon. 

But at this point it wouldnt be seen as 2 Hype. It would be more like just plain old Hype from a self indulgent artist who is constantly becoming his own worst enemy.

Bottom line, this makes him look like anything but a Class Act.

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