While You Were Working: 11.12.12

Today's top story comes via reddit, an Op-ed in the New York Times called 'The Fight Over Medical Marijuana'. In it, Rebecca Richman Cohen, a law lecturer at Harvard, opines about the extreme federal drug laws that may put Bill Williams, a Montana man who was arrested by the feds despite following all state laws, in prison for the rest of his life. 

Cohen juxtaposes Williams' crime and punishment to Jerry Sandusky, who will spend 30 years behind bars for rampant child molestation.

Tonight, WSB TV in Atlanta is running a report on synthetic marijuana, where it's coming from, the chemicals used and the dangers those can have. The promo calls them deadly, which we've seen before, but the chemicals added certainly make smoking marijuana hazardous. 

Let's get this straight. While the federal government is wasting time and money putting legitimate businessmen in prison for longer than child molesters, drug runners began importing chemicals to get around the law and make marijuana actually dangerous. 

This is completely backwards. 

Which, incidentally, was also a trend on Twitter.

Twitter was stunned that Mike D'Anonti was chosen over Phil Jackson.

Was it Phil's high demands?


It appears to be a match made in heaven for Kobe and Mike, though.


But was it a smart move?


Defense does win championships. 


An Alabama fan freaks out during the Texas A&M game while playing Call of Duty.


Hide ya kids.


Rudy Gay crossed up LeBron then threw down a massive dunk.


Lance Armstrong really just doesn't give a damn. 




We'll give the final word to the President on Veterans Day.


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