“We All Make Mistakes” | NBA Legend Paul Pierce Talks Risqué Video That Got Him Fired From ESPN

Former Boston Celtics and NBA legend Paul Pierce has been in the news quite a bit as of late. If he’s not trying to convince everyone that he’s better than Dwyane Wade or just as good as LeBron James, he’s giving some outlandish take that seems to go viral. Pierce is also no stranger to appearances on various podcasts and shows, and there he seemingly does the same thing. 

That’s exactly what happened during Pierce’s recent appearance on the “Stars on Mars” show with legendary cyclist Lance Armstrong and hip-hop star Tinashe. That doesn’t sound like a trio that you’d normally tune in for, but when Pierce is involved it makes folks tune in because they never know what might come out of his mouth. 

Pierce On What Happened At ESPN

At one point, Pierce was a mainstay on ESPN’s NBA coverage. That was until the former Kansas Jayhawks star posted a video on social media that looked as if it showed him smoking marijuana, with strippers around him dancing. Pierce, as he has on numerous occasions, attempted to make sense of the episode when Armstrong and Tinashe asked what happened.

Pierce was quick to say “it was a lot of alcohol.” He also called it a “big ol controversy.”

When asked by Armstrong how the video made it to social media? 

Pierce replied … with this:

“I accidentally did, my dumb a**.”

“Yeah, I lost my job over at ESPN over it,” Pierce said. “We all make some mistakes. Maybe, I wouldn’t be on Mars if that didn’t happen. See? Things happen for a reason.”

Not the smartest move, but Pierce did say he was under the influence with all the alcohol consumption. 


Disney Wasn’t Playing With “The Truth”

With ESPN being under the Disney umbrella, Pierce had to know he wasn’t gonna get away with something so crass. Pierce’s actions violated Disney’s morals clause, and that alone justifies Pierce being let go. 

But, to let Pierce tell it, he didn’t do anything wrong, which is him living in denial. He knows what he did, and it wasn’t right.

This isn’t Pierce first time sharing his story on this matter. He shared it on “I Am Athlete” podcast back in April.

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