VIDEO: Ruben Guerrero Repeatedly Yells ‘Woman Beater’ At Floyd Mayweather In Wild Press Conference

Floyd Mayweather has been to countless press conferences for his many pay per view fights. In the process he's been called all kinds of names, been told how and when he would lose, and told he needs to quit talking and start fighting. 

But it's the first time on PPV for Robert Guerrero and his father/trainer, Ruben. Robert kept his cool, as he usually does, during his time at the podium, praising God and predicting a victory. Fairly standard. Ruben, clearly animated heading to the mic, had some things to get off his chest, berating Floyd and repeatedly yelling "woman beater" much to everyone else's regret. After adding in that Floyd probably learned to beat women from his father, Oscar De La Hoya tried to regain control of the presser, but only wound up with his head in his hands as Ruben kept yelling even in his seat. 

Naturally, Floyd Sr. had some words with Ruben afterwards, and a scuffle broke out while Bernard Hopkins tried to keep them apart. "I went from  a troublemaker to a peacemaker over the years," Hopkins joked afterward.

But Jr. kept his cool, smiled and checked his phone throughout it all. It's just another day in the office for the Mayweathers. Not so much for the new kids on the PPV block. Clearly, the Guerrero's haven't figured out that if they're trying to rattle Floyd and get inside his head, they've already lost. 

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