UFC 232: A Case Study In Dana White’s Crisis Management Skills

Dana White’s show and tell on social media.

The UFC is fighting for its credibility.

Jon Jones’s recent trace amount of a banned substance in his system forced the Nevada State Athletic Commission’s hand. They decided to pass on giving Jones a license to fight at UFC 232.

To save the main event of Jones vs. Alexander Gustafsson, the UFC headed West to California. MMA athletes and fans are split on the UFC’s decision and all eyes are now on Dana White.

Now the UFC President has taken the offensive and for the first time, White has his embattled star’s back.


This week White began to expose the behind-the-scenes conversations as things were unfolding. It is unlike White and the secretive UFC to reveal inside strategy but times are changing.

The UFC released a video of White and staffer Jeff Nowitsky breaking the news to Gustafsson. Taping a private athlete and executive meeting is strategic and White knew he would have some serious explaining to do.

Fighters like UFC champion Daniel Cormier and heavyweight Mark Hunt have led the resistance against the UFC 232 move. Hunt has been adamant about stopping PED usage.

Hunt sued Brock Lesnar, Dana White, and UFC, for committing racketeering, fraud, civil conspiracy, and battery. Hunt’s claim stems from a failed drug test by Lesnar for their pairing at UFC 200.

Former UFC champion, Georges St. Pierre famously walked away from the sport he claimed rampant PED usage as the reason.

The UFC is a rapidly growing enterprise subject to a greater microscope of scrutiny. UFC 232 is becoming a case study of the MMA leader’s new playbook for crisis management.


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