TSL Sports Talk Recap: Joel Corry

Last week on TSL Sports Talk, former NFL agent and contributor to cbssports.com and The National Football Post, Joel Corry, joined us to talk about all of the NFL scandals and player suspensions that have seemingly overshadowed the start of an exciting season. 


Well, I’m not sure that a few bad apples or a few negative incidents should outweigh the positives that almost all NFL players do. If you look at the statistics, the amount of crime by NFL players is actually on par or a little lower than it is for the general society. It’s just that everything that NFL players do or professional athletes -particularly in the age of social media- is extremely magnified. 

Corry on being asked if the NFL is turning a blind eye to what’s going on with their players/scandals or are these incidents so far under the radar that they deserve a pass:

That doesn’t deserve a pass. I think with the Ray Rice incident in particular, the NFL didn’t really want to know what was going on. I’m going to take Roger Goodel’s word at face value that he didn’t view the tape… I don’t think [the NFL] wanted to send a strong message in terms of discipline and that’s been consistent with what the NFL has done with domestic violence, because their history with domestic violence has been poor in terms of how they discipline their players.

Listen to the full segment above to hear more on what Corry thinks of the current state of the NFL. 

TSL Sports Talk broadcasts live, every Thursday, 3-5PM. Follow us on twitter: @TSLSportsTalk or write us at: [email protected]


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