TSL Sports Talk Recap: David Steele & Corey Parsons

David C. Steele, NFL writer for @SportingNews, joined us last week on TSL Sports Talk to discuss Ray Rice’s suspension, how the NFL’s handles discipline when players are involved in domestic violence vs. other offenses and more. TSL Sports Talk host, Mark Gray, opened up the interview by talking about NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s decision to suspend Rice for only two games.



“[Roger Goodell] is not having a good run right now. I don’t know if he’s having as bad of a run as David Stern did in his last few years as Commissioner, but this isn’t helping the way he handles the league’s biggest crises. And this is a big one. This isn’t something that’s going to go away any time soon. People are going to be talking about how the league deals with women, how the league deals with discipline on all fronts. This is going to be an issue for a very long time.” 

Listen to the full interview below to hear more on what message the league seems to send on domestic violence, why Goddell is a hypocrite and more.


Later on, Sirius XM’s Fantasy Football Exec, Corey Parson, joined us to talk about the start of NFL training camp, what effect its been having on fantasy football, how fans are preparing for fantasy football drafts and more. Listen to the full interview below.  


TSL Sports Talk broadcasts live, every Thursday, 3-5PM. Follow us on twitter: @TSLSportsTalk or write us at: [email protected]

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