TSL Sports Talk Recap: Chris Broussard

ESPN Sports Analyst and founder of K.I.N.G. (Knowledge, Inspiration, and Nurture through God), Chris Broussard, joined us on TSL Sports Talk to talk about his group and special charity event, “Holiday Haircuts,” that took place over the weekend in NJ. “Holiday haircuts,” provided free haircuts to all boys, aged 12 and under at The Center Stage Cuts barbershop in Newark, NJ. Listen to the highlights below.


On K.I.N.G.:

K.I.N.G. is a Christian Men’s movement, really geared towards helping men walk out their faith in Christ in everyday life, Monday – Saturday.. Not just Sunday, in church. One of our motivations for forming this group and trying to start this movement was –the group is for all men, but it does have a particular focus on the African-American community- when you look at all the situations going on in our community: The fatherlessness, Black on Black crimes/killings, dropout rates. We have a host of areas in our community that we are struggling with. We believe that a lot of these situations can be improved, by men developing faith in Jesus Christ, because that changes your values, your mindset, your heart, your thinking. So that really is one of our goals- the concern for the plight of our community… and wanting to improve it.  

On Kobe Bryant surpassing Michael Jordan on the all time scoring list:

He’s [Kobe] a top 10-12 player of all time. I have Kobe as the second greatest shooting guard, behind Michael Jordan… He’s not going to catch Michael Jordan. I don’t care if he passes Kareem Abul-Jabbar as the all time leading scorer. He’s played about 200 more games than Jordan. Michael’s career is just unparalleled. Most people believe that. Where this helps Kobe, is when you compare him to other players in that top 10, like Shaquille O’Neal, LeBron James, Oscar Robertson, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, at some point, Kobe’s longevity has to come into play. You may say Magic’s 12 years were superior to Kobe, but then Kobe is in his 19th year. So you have to start to say, the fact that he could play at such a high level for so long… but the ability to average 25 points a game in this league, in your 19th season, is something we’ve never seen, particularly from a guard.

Listen to the full interview above to hear more on the K.I.N.G. movement and other NBA topics. 

TSL Sports Talk broadcasts live, every Thursday, 3-5PM. Follow us on twitter: @TSLSportsTalk or write us at: [email protected]

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