TSL Presents: On The Throne With King Mo, Ep. 19 Featuring Oscar Valdez

16-0 with 14 KOs. NABF Junior Super Flyweight Title holder, fast rising star and potentially another name to add to the ever growing list of great Mexican fighters in the sport of boxing. A list that includes some of the greatest fighters in the history of the sport.

Oscar Valdez appears to have the qualities to be added to that list. After being knocked down in the first round in his last fight against veteran Ruben Tamayo, the 24 year old seemed to wake up and took it to Tamayo in almost every round, pounding his opponent and venting his frustrations on his body for administering the first round knockdown, eventually earning a unanimous decision. Valdez is a confident young fighter, with a likable personality that should make him a fan favorite very quickly.

His next fight pits him against Chris Avalos (26-3) this Friday from the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas, and he took a few minutes to speak with us about the fight, how he got started in the sport at the age of 8, drop some old school boxing knowledge, how he keeps his punch volume high and more. So listen to this young boxing phenom as he joins us on The Throne and don’t forget to watch his fight this Friday, September 11th, on TruTV at 10pm EST.

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