Tony Gonzalez Says Patriots Boycotting White House Visit Is Silly

Former Falcons tight end Tony Gonzalez has spilled his feelings on the six New England Patriots players who plan not to attend the ceremonial White House visit. Those declining the invitation feel that Donald Trump’s campaign and early days as commander-in-chief have fueled hate and rage among the nation.

His divisive stances have also been labeled as xenophobic, racist and sexist and has been the main catalyst for discord  within our country.

Gonzalez believes rejecting the invitation is silly.

“If they don’t want to go, that’s their right,” Gonzalez told TMZ. “For me, I think that’s silly. If you’ve got a problem, go there and meet him. Say something. That’s your opportunity to get your voice out there, to get heard.”

He then expressed how effective he felt the tactic would be, sounding a bit more pessimistic than his comments would’ve led you to believe.

“Maybe he’ll listen. Probably not, but maybe he’ll listen.”

Given Trump’s track record, it’s doubtful.

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