Tom Brady Is Not Above The NFL Or The Rules

Tom Brady is starting to sound like Lance Armstrong.

According to Brady, everybody is against him and he’ll sue any and everybody to prove his innocence.

On Wednesday morning, via his Facebook account, Brady, the New England Patriots’ quarterback, blasted the NFL for affirming the four-game suspension originally handed down in May for his role in Deflategate.

“I did nothing wrong and no one in the Patriots organization did either,” Brady said in a post made to his verified page. An excerpt of the post is below:

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Even with that lame claim, it’s hard not to think that Brady is a liar.

In essence, that’s what NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said on Monday when he upheld the suspension.

Yes, Brady’s appeal was an epic fail.

Most sports writers and sport-talk radio hosts were convinced – simply because they like and secretly idolize him – that Brady was going to win here. Many thought Brady would get this original sentence reduced to two or no games, that the reigning Super Bowl-winning QB would skate.


And good for Goodell for not giving in to the league’s Golden Boy, America’s example of the perfect life, model wife included.

Goodell couldn’t look the other way or go soft on Brady.

Brady hasn’t been honest from the start. In fact, it appears that Brady did everything he could –  lie, alter and hinder the investigation about the air pressure of footballs.

There was nothing more damning than the new information Goodell revealed that said Brady “sought to hide evidence of his own participation in the underlying scheme to alter football” by breaking his cell phone.

The league recently found out that Brady had an assistant destroy his cell phone on or right before the meeting scheduled with league investigators on March 6.

Brady, of course, had an excuse for that, too. He said he didn’t know that failing to provide his cell phone would result in any discipline.


A Michigan Man thinks destroying evidence in a case against you is OK?


“Most importantly, I have never written, texted, emailed to anybody at anytime, anything related to football air pressure before this issue was raised at the AFC Championship game in January,” Brady wrote on Facebook. “There is no “smoking gun” and this controversy is manufactured to distract from the fact they have zero evidence of wrongdoing.”      

What? Brady makes no sense.

That’s why Pats’ owner Robert Kraft dropped his fight against the league and accepted the punishment.

The Patriots were stripped of a first-round draft pick in 2016 and a fourth-round draft pick in 2017. The team was also fined $1 million, the largest team fine in NFL history.

Still, Brady got off easy with just four games. By instructing ball boys to under inflate balls for that game against the Colts – 11 of the 12 game balls in the first half were found not to be up to league standards – Brady messed with the integrity of the game.

That should never be taken lightly, especially by a commissioner.

Trying to compare this with other off-the-field situations is wrong. It truly is apples and oranges.

The game can’t be compromised. Ever.

And for all of those who say the pressure in the balls doesn’t really matter, stop.

If it didn’t matter, there wouldn’t be rules about the air pressure on the books. Better yet, Brady would never have texted the ball boys about doing what they did. That’s just common sense.

Brady can keep yelling and screaming and go to federal court. Regardless, he won’t win in the court of public opinion.

Brady, once in the same class as Derek Jeter for their squeaky-clean images and careers both on and off the field, is no longer there.

His resume is dirty. Worse, Brady is now a punished cheater. He’s no different than Armstrong, Roger Clemens or Pete Rose.

Giants quarterback Eli Manning, who has beaten Brady in two Super Bowls, said it perfectly in his reaction to the four game ban back in May.

“I think it’s about integrity and you have to follow the rules,” Manning said to the New York Daily News.

Brady should just come clean and admit to his wrongdoing and take his medicine.

If not, Brady will wind up just like Armstrong.

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