Tina Fey Ethers Racist White Boys, Trump & Paul Ryan On Weekend Update

Tina Fey always brings it no matter the situation or topic. She’s fearless when it comes to her target and on tonight’s “Weekend Update,” Fey, a University of Virginia graduate, went straight for the jugular of Trump, racist white boys, Ann Coulter and Paul Ryan. Yes, even the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was not safe from Fey’s venom, which will probably earn her a call from the FCC censors. Think she cares? Not.

Check it all out below:

Weekend Update: Tina Fey on Protesting After Charlottesville – SNL

Tina Fey reacts to the events of Charlottesville and offers a plan for how to deal with future Alt-Right protests. Colin and Michael tackle super orgasms and two ninety-year-olds getting married. Get more SNL: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live Full Episodes: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-liv…

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