Third Installment of The Hunger Games Tops Fandango’s List of Most Anticipated 2014 Films

If you’re an undercover science fiction nerd like many on The Shadow League staff then chances are you’ve seen both theatrical installments of the Hunger Games.  If so then you know a second sequel is in the can and awaiting its release date in 2014.  The Hunger Games: Mockingjay- Part 1 tops Fandango’s list of the most anticipated films of the coming year in a poll.  2014 definitely appears to be the year of the sequels. Rounding out the site’s top five most anticipated films of the coming year are The Hobbit: There and Back Again, X-Men: Days of Future Past, and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. The only non-sequel to make the list is Divergence which stars Kate Winslet.

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