The Warriors Shade No. 45 And Visit Obama Instead On D.C. Trip

Steph Curry and company chose to see THE President on their only trip to the Capital.

It’s no secret that Steve Kerr, Steph Curry and the Warriors have no love for Trump and he has no love for them. Something they’re more than ok with.

So during the team’s only trip to Washington D.C. yesterday, the team decided to make a stop to visit with THE President.

That would be the 44th President, Barak Obama.

All NBA fans know that after winning the NBA title in 2017, their first with Trump in the White House, the Warriors declined a potential invitation from the new administration. Trump threw a Twitter tantrum and tried to clap back at the team.

“Going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team.Stephen Curry is hesitating,therefore invitation is withdrawn!”

The Warriors didn’t sweat it at all. Instead of heading to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue during their trip to D.C. last February, they instead visited the National Museum of African American History and Culture with students from Kevin Durant’s hometown area.

Golden State doesn’t concern themselves with no. 45. They’re more focused on winning and hanging with real winners.

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