The Kyrie Irving Knicks Sweepstakes Begin

Hungry Knicks fans rejoiced as Boston melted against Milwaukee, signaling the end of Kyrie’s brief career with the Celtics.

The Milwaukee Bucks blew out the Celtics by 25 points on Wednesday night to advance to their first Eastern Conference Finals since 2001 when Ray Allen was shooting the face off of suckers.

A win for Milwaukee is a win for Knicks fans, as all signs point to Kyrie Irving’s departure from Boston. The media and fans are content on blaming him for the Celtics’ dysfunction, failure and underachieving.

There are other culprits, but playing the blame game is irrelevant at this point. Irving’s been emotionally battered and bruised this season and he definitely felt confused and underappreciated. So much so, that he swallowed his pride and even called LeBron James for some advice.

Unless something drastic occurs in the next couple of months when free agency begins, Kyrie will shop his services during free agency and the Irving-to-New York talk will reach a nauseating pitch. 

If anything, the desperate Knicks fans will make him feel appreciated. Most hoops fans are well aware of the reasons why Boston flopped this season.  No need to rehash. Time to move forward.

Here are three reasons why Kyrie’s departure is imminent and his destination is probably New York.

Knicks Will Put Full Court Press on Stars

The Knicks are not going to leave this free agency without landing two superstars. Of course, they need Kevin Durant to be the first shoe to drop. Once that occurs, it’s been assumed for some time now that Kyrie will follow him to The Big Apple.

If Irving and Durant are truly considering NY, they will have a hell of a time saying no. This is the Knicks’ most important offseason and draft since Ewing in ’85. Holding a Top 3 pick in this year’s potentially star-studded NBA draft also helps NY’s attractability. 


Get The Hell Out of Boston

The city of Boston has already scapegoated Kyrie for this season’s failures. Nobody’s really knocking the coach or any other player. Despite having a championship ring, the narrative around the NBA is that you can’t win a chip with Kyrie’s style of play.

It’s laughable on the surface, but there’s no doubt that he had a hard time fitting into what the Celtics built in his absence, during their improbable 2018 playoff run.

Anything short of a championship next season and Kyrie will become a permanent target of Boston media and enemy of the fans. He’s been playing with one foot out the door all season, might as well take the leap.


Legacy, Legacy Legacy

KD has two titles. Kyrie has one and enough clutch playoff moments to last a lifetime. New York is the only place where both players can become all-time immortals.

The Knicks have been inept for too long. The city has a new, All-Back front office that needs a miracle to turn this thing around. If you could become the King of Prussia or the King of England, which one would you choose? Exactly.

Tracy Morgan explained the lure of New York perfectly on ESPN.

KD and Kyrie would become the kings of the largest media market in the country for a Knicks franchise that is worth more than any other NBA team and in a town that turns legends into icons.   

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