The Hypocrisy Of Reactions Around Josh Brown and Colin Kaepernick

After news got out about who-knew-what-and-when regarding multiple incidents of domestic violence involving New York Giants kicker Josh Brown and his wife, I went to social media to see if the outrage regarding that and Colin Kaepernicks stance on the National anthem would somehow align.

Apparently, more Americans are upset about Kaepernicks protest of police brutality directed towards people of color then they are for the football players they root for every Sunday who are beating their wives.

Recent events, including the current election cycle and Ava DuVernays documentary 13th, have many people thinking about how the criminal justice system has historically treated Black people.

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(Photo Credit: USA Today)

No matter the crime, we know that Black people in America are treated differently. See how Brock Turner, who raped an unconscious woman, got months in jail for a similar crime that Brian Banks, who was falsely accused and got years in jail, had to register as a sex offender for when he got out. 

Also, lets not forget how many of Browns peers whove used jingoism to shame Kaepernick werent so tough on their Giants teammate.

That was tweeted by Giants offensive tackle Justin Pugh in the aftermath of Kaepernicks stance.

Heres what Pugh said about Brown:

Obviously its a sad situation what hes going through, and obviously you got to be there for a teammate, Pugh told reporters. Its definitely something thats tough…All was can so do is support our teammate and make sure were there for him.

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(Photo Credit: USA Today)

Here is Pugh asking for a do-over when called out on his B.S.: I was misinformed and unknowingly speaking with limited information at the time I commented earlier this year. I had no personal knowledge of his behavior at home and obviously do not condone domestic violence of any kind.

Offensive linemen are usually regarded as some the smartest players on the field. I guess support only extends to Brown, not his wife.

Pughs employer, the NFL, which has its own day of the week, has an image problem.

What will it take for the NFL, and the administration of its teams, to realize that players who are involved in violence towards women require harsher punishments?

Death? Lawsuits? Public outrage? Or maybe the league will listen when the bottom line is affected. After all people, and large entities like the NFL, seem to listen when you start to mess with their pockets.

“We did some of our own investigation,” Giants co-owner and president John Mara told reporters on Thursday. “Most of the investigation was done by the NFL. They made the determination to suspend him for one game. Obviously, the law enforcement made the decision not to prosecute him, so based on the information we had at the time, as I said at the time, we were comfortable with our decision. Obviously, there’s been some new information that has come to light over the last day. We don’t have all of that information yet but based on what we did have, we felt the best course of action was to make Josh inactive for this game and we’ll see what the future brings.”

Lets unpack what Mara is saying. First off, the Giants and the league cant be left alone to do their own investigations anymore. Google Ray Rice video for further clarification. Law enforcements involvement in matters involving sexual assault/rape/domestic violence is complex in nature.

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(Photo Credit: USA Today)

Depending on which study you read, between 60 and 70 percent of those cases arent reported. Also, when a woman faces her accuser, especially one shes married to, it doesnt always go to plan because she has to relive a traumatic experience they would rather forget. Thats why it is problematic when we as men lead the conversation by saying no charges were filed. That only means that the law wont get involved. It doesnt mean that nothing took place.

Everybody and their momma had something to say on how disrespectful Kaepernick was to our country. Yet theres no similar outrage on domestic violence, sexual assault or rape.

Where are the elected officials, bloggers, sportswriters, retired stars, current players and media pundits when weve noticed the blatant hypocrisy?

They are probably looking for the nearest wall to disappear into like the club owner did in the most recent episode of Atlanta, while the rest of us are left as disappointed as Earn was after realizing that we have fallen for the latest swindle.

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