Donald Trump’s Sports Twitter Beef And Culture War Heats Up

Because of an image honed on a reality television show and co-signed by mainstream American media for over 30 years, Donald Trump is President of the United States.  This man, who foregoes all known decorum to bicker with private citizens on the internet, has the ability to vaporize half the globe on a sanctimonious, tantrum-filled whim.

Id call him a supervillain, but hes just not smart enough to fall into that category.  Hes an unintellectual and anti-intellectual man placed in power by a fearful mainstream whose single most prevalent common denominator was their belief that a white man should lead the nation, and that being a white man can be the sole quality that they pick him for.

Now, with his reported overture to Chinese President Xi Jinping in helping free three UCLA basketball players from house arrest to return stateside, Trump has got the Balls name all up in his mouth as of late. 

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Shoplifting is a very big deal in China, as it should be (5-10 years in jail), but not to father LaVar. Should have gotten his son out during my next trip to China instead. China told them why they were released. Very ungrateful!

Lavar Ball, in true Svengali fashion, doubted whether president Trump had actually done anything to free his son LiAngelo, and teammates Jalen Hill and Cody Riley.  At this point in the game, its clear that Ball loves attention of any kind.  Youd think that with the NSA, CIA and FBI at his disposal, the president would know better than to engage in a war of words with a man whose entire thing is getting attention. What better way to do so than by engaging the leader of the most powerful nation in the world on social media? 

But that wasn’t all, the Donald also took it to Marshawn Lynch standing for the Mexican national anthem prior to yesterday’s game in Mexico City between the Oakland Raiders and the New England Patriots, while continuing to sit for America’s national anthem. 

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Marshawn Lynch of the NFL’s Oakland Raiders stands for the Mexican Anthem and sits down to boos for our National Anthem. Great disrespect! Next time NFL should suspend him for remainder of season. Attendance and ratings way down.

No leadership abilities, no restraint, and no desire to ever be the “better man” in any situation, Donald J. Trump is the president America deserves – an idiot for the idiots that voted for, or didn’t vote against him.

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