What Ye Calls Free Thinking Goes By Another Name

Once upon a time, it was believed that Kanye West was the ultimate troll and couldn’t possibly believe the things that were coming out of his own mouth; his wife has more social impact that Michelle Obama, that his Confederate Flag clothing line was a serious idea, and that Barack Obama was a bad president. However, with his recent awakening from a lengthy Twitter slumber, West has seemingly become more adamant than ever to prove that he is the greatest asshole who ever lived.  

We published a short story about West posting a private text conversation with musician and philanthropist John Legend. There are still a great number of people in the world concerned for Kanye West. It wasn’t that long ago that people were talking about his mental health status. Perhaps Legend believed his overture was simply a form of compassion, but Ye took it as censorship.

KANYE WEST on Twitter


In response, an unapologetic West said, “I love you John and I appreciate your thoughts. You bringing up my fans or my legacy is a tactic based on fear used to manipulate my free thought.”

About three years or so ago, my critiques of Ye’s behavior would have been filled with far more venom and I would most certainly have used a domestic slavery epithet to describe his behavior. Since that time I have done my level best not to insult any black person solely on the grounds of their political affiliation. After all, though I’m a registered Independent, I vote Democrat 95 percent of the time. This, despite the knowledge that the Democrat Party is full of flaws and contradictions as it relates to assisting black folks in seeking justice in America.

KANYE WEST on Twitter

I really appreciate this dialogue with John Legend because I’m actually very empathetic. Im still the kid from the telethon. I feel when people think of MAGA they don’t think of empathy.

However, I have no problem criticizing anyone I’ve voted for. With class and status, Kayne apparently has forgotten what a demagogue looks like. While it is true that black folks should be able to support any political candidate he or she pleases, the abhorrence and disdain that Kanye is facing is a result of how polarizing a figure Donald J. Trump is. 

Aside from him being a demonstrated bigot and white supremacist apologist, Trump is listed by The New York Times as one of the worst presidents of the past 200 years.

After Kanye posted a picture on social media fitted with a Make America Great Again hat signed by Trump himself, the immediate backlash was felt across Black Twitter. I hope he doesn’t have to take too many losses before he realizes that simply being an honorary white man makes him disposable.  

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