Stacey Abrams Sends Subs To Black folk — ‘We don’t elect saviors’

“In a democracy, we do not elect saviors!”

Stacey Abrams might not be on the Biden presidential ticket, but the Spelman graduate is one of the most influential voices in this election and most certainly a major silver bullet in the Democratic chamber. In that statement alone, she signals to Black people that while Biden is not coming in to save us from the social ills and political and civil unrest we encounter in this country, he is the clearest choice to get us to where we need to go in November.

The founder of Fair Fight Action also said, “We cast our ballots for those who see our struggles and pledge to serve… Faced with a president of cowardice, Joe Biden is a man of proven courage. He will restore our moral compass.”

Over the last two years, since narrowly losing the Georgia gubernatorial election of 2018 to Brian Kemp — the politician who has been accused of dishonestly purging voter rolls, holding up new voter registrations from going through and disenfranchising minority voters during the election between him and Abrams— she has become a voice of change that can’t be denied.

On Tuesday evening, she showed the Johnetta B. Colesque ease and relatability that has distinguished her from so many clamoring for attention in the party.

She reminded folk that these United States belong to each and every one of us.

“This nation belongs to all of us. And in every election, we choose how we will elect a more perfect union.” Abrams states with a smile.

She continues, “Not by taking sides, but by taking stock of where we are and what we need.”

Once considered one of the top candidates for vice-president, many thought that she would crawl under a rock after not getting the nod that she seemed to so full-heartedly desire. She did not. Instead, she understood that her brawn and brains are needed elsewhere and has picked up her mantle and megaphone to support where she can.

She reminds voters, “America faces a triple threat: A public health catastrophe, an economic collapse, and a reckoning with racial justice and inequality.”

“So our choice is clear,” she notes as she juxtaposes the man that we have not in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. “Steady, experienced public servant or a man that only knows how to deny and to distract. A leader who cares about our families or a president that only cares about himself.

In 2:02 minutes, she was able to reach through the TV screen and make a passionate case for a man that is the only chance for the nation to rid itself of the reality star that is playing President in the White House.

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