San Francisco 49ers Release Ray McDonald

Months after becoming the first NFL player accused f domestic violence in the post-Ray Rice world, the San Francisco 49ers have finally released defensive tackle Ray McDonald. During McDonald's ordeal, which eventually unveiled a conflict of interest involving the San Jose PD and the Niners, the front office took a tough stance and advised critics to wait until the facts emerged. 

Ultimately, there we no charges filed in the case and McDonald carried on. The tipping point came when a search warrant was administered for McDonalds' home stemming from a sexual assault allegation. The San Jose PD was alerted to this potential assault by a local hospital, which treated the alleged victim.

 General manager Trent Baalke explained that his decision wasn't based solely on this case, but on "a pattern" exhibited by McDonalds' and his frequency of run-ins with the authorities.

We certainly believe in due process, and have demonstrated that over time. But when it becomes a pattern of poor decision making, which it has in this case, it becomes a time it leaves you with no other choice than the one we made today," Baakle explained.

The pattern of incidents Baalke referred to in his statement includes a previous incident in May when police were called to same home to investigate a dispute between McDonald and his fiancée, wo pulled a gun on him.

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