“Russell’s Square … You Don’t Leave Future And Get With Russell Wilson” | Channing Crowder Clowns Himself Discussing A Love He Can’t Understand

There is a new pivot in sports, and it’s not just the podcast with the same name, but it does involve one of its primary hosts: Channing Crowder.

Through his uninformed bloviating about another fellow professional football player and his wife, the third more vocally rural leg of The Pivot podcast has officially christened himself Channing “Cry Baby” Crowder.

The former Miami Dolphins linebacker decided to aim for the very public love affair of newly baptized Denver Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson and his R&B chanteuse, Ciara.

The Sad Song Of Channing Crowder

However, what erupted from Crowder was nothing more than the singular opinion of a man conflicted with perception and the identification of what’s cool.

“Russell and Ciara. Yeah, if Russell ain’t have that bread, Ciara ain’t going to be with him,” Crowder proclaimed. “Russell’s square, Russell’s square, Russell’s square, Ciara she has a good situation, but you don’t leave Future and get with Russell Wilson.”

The Peanut Gallery

Co-hosts Fred Taylor and Ryan Clark tried to interject with Taylor saying, “I think that’s where you’re wrong though; women want peace,” but Crowder did not have the patience to listen. He needed to make a point.

“It’s a type; everybody has a type. You don’t leave Future and get with Russell Wilson; he’s so godd-mn square, and I love him on the field. He’s a square; he’s a f**king square.”

Ryan Clark added, “Channing, you go from this level of toxicity, you just want something stable. You want the guy that was sitting with that girl with that big old mouth at the draft that was laughing and you knew she ain’t deserve to be with him.”

The Unfortunate Finish

“Goofball? You want to get with goofballs, huh,” Crowder said and paused.

“You want the guy that told me, ‘You know what, I was praying and God told me to save her.’ That’s what the man told me to my face,” Clark said.

There is so much to unpack here, but let’s start with the obvious that Channing Crowder is so enamored with the idea of Future he can’t see that Russell Wilson is a whole role model in these streets.

Put Respeck On Her Name

But let’s shelve that fact for a moment. Ciara has been a recognized recording artist on a national/international level since her 2004 album “Goodies” dropped.

For reference, Crowder was drafted in 2005 in the third round as the 70th pick. Perhaps Crowder was Clark’s original muse of the girl watching the draft with envy at the collegiate sweetheart with the athletic lottery ticket.

Instead, it probably looked more like Crowder in a University of Florida dorm room salivating over the Goodies that stayed in Ciara’s jar during her rise to prominence when Crowder wasn’t even a blip on her radar.

Ciara: Ahead Of The Pack

In fact, Crowder grew up in Sandy Springs, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta, the city where Ciara is the unofficial mayor and official Queen per the adoration of her community.

Coupled with the fact that Russell Wilson wasn’t even drafted until 2012, you have the makings of an uninformed opinion with a bully pulpit of the podcast variety.

The patriarchy established here does not rest alone with Crowder, who is willfully ignorant. No, the hands of co-host Ryan Clark are not clean either.

Ryan Clark: When You Talk Too Much

The ESPN commentator turned podcaster shamed every college girlfriend who happens to be with a future professional athlete. Clark’s judgment is on swole, from his immediate laughter to his description of a money-hungry love-invested sideliner to the catty successful woman watching her man get drafted with envy.

Then he folds Wilson into his patriarchial thinking by saying he was told by the QB that “God told me to save her,” lifting Ciara into the doldrums of desperation before her alignment with her partner.

But did they bring up what Ciara said about herself?

Ciara Speaks

“I had to take a couple of times to figure it out, but my Dad’s love is what saved me in all my situations because it would get to a point where I was like, my Dad wouldn’t do this to my mom,” Ciara said on a 2019 episode of Red Table Talk.

“This can’t be love. I’ve always had the same goal of wanting to be loved a certain way, but I was just walking in the wrong direction.”

Whatever Ciara went through while with Future made her appreciate the man that Russell Wilson has been for her. A grown woman that is making grown decisions about her Future (pun intended) and that of her children.

Square Up Challenge

Why Channing Crowder or Ryan Clark, for that matter, felt the need to analyze and dissect is troubling and, more than that, dangerous for the perception he attempted to build that having a masculine image that exudes normalcy should be considered abnormal.

Russell Wilson is not a square. He’s just solid.

If Channing Crowder can’t understand that, perhaps he should lower his cheering squad pompoms for Future and start talking lessons in positive masculinity from Wilson.

Or maybe he is too much of a “square” for that challenge.

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