Rule Breakers: The Jennifer Fox And Simone Pero Episode

Our discussion with two TV producers who are making a huge impact in the #MeToo era.

We are at a crucial turning point in women’s history, even though it might not seem like it in the news. There is no doubt in our minds.

Sexual abuse and harassment scandals in sport, Hollywood, politics, business, and schools are all coming to light in alarming ways. Not all of them result in justice, which is disheartening to say. 

But at the same time, we can’t deny all of the women who are standing up to be heard — all of the female voices shouting, whispering, crying “#MeToo” — and the rise of support and compassion around them. Today, so many women have told powerful stories that not only reveal the dark trauma of sexual abuse but also illuminate the way out: The path to healing.

Our guests today are two of those women who are making a huge impact in the #MeToo era: Film director Jennifer Fox and producer Simone Pero.

Both Fox and Pero teamed up to produce HBO’s The Tale, which was released in May 2018. The film is a fictional adaptation of Fox’s real-life story of piecing together the time she was sexually groomed by her running and equestrian coaches as a young girl. It’s a heart-wrenching and eye-opening movie that really challenges our conception of memory and gives insight into the complex effects of sexual trauma throughout a person’s lifetime.

In this episode of Rule Breakers, Anya Alvarez sits down with Fox and Pero to talk about the movie, the layered consequences of abuse, what we can do to protect others and the journey to healing.

This is a very personal episode that we hope you guys receive with an open heart. We also want to a trigger warning for those who might not want to listen to a topic like this at this moment.

We send love to you all.

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