Media Is Stupid | Richard Sherman Fallout Might Be Real Time Mental Illness

Former Seahawks and Niners all-pro cornerback Richard Sherman was arrested for reported domestic violence, residential burglary, malicious mischief, and resisting arrest after allegedly becoming belligerent while intoxicated at a family member’s residence.

His wife made a 911 call where she said he was also allegedly threatening to kill himself. A police report also stated he threatened to fight police officers to the death as well.

You know what’s concerning about this whole fiasco is Sherman attended Stanford University, the brilliant school out in Palo Alto, CA, where former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, golfing GOAT Tiger Woods, and even retired NFL quarterback Andrew Luck attended.

Case in point, just being an athlete isn’t good enough at this school, as it takes some significant brains to be accepted and then thrive here.

And Richard Sherman did just that, as a student-athlete. So when the news broke that he went off like this, it makes you wonder a few things.

First, is this a cry for help from an all-time great whose career may be over? Or is it a sign of CTE, which is found in about 8 out of 10 players’ brains once retired or unsigned?

This situation is beyond sad, and even if some of these allegations are true, so what.

It, unfortunately, gives you an “eerie” feeling that something may be wrong with athletics.

The media ran with the allegations but not once have they even considered this a form of CTE.

We’re talking about a pretty sharp guy who can be a bit wordy while being a top-notch agitator on the field, but I don’t see him acting out like this unless something is wrong.


Following his release from jail on Thursday without bail, Niners GM John Lynch came out and said the franchise is here for “The Shermanator” and his family in any way they can be of assistance.


Aaron Hernandez’s Brain Showed A Severe Case of CTE

This one is still developing and still has many layers to unfold. But for now, for the sake of the Sherman family, all one can do is pray he gets the necessary help before it worsens.

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