Reporter Calls Out Texans, Foster Takes To Twitter

Normally, coaches are always worried about players saying the wrong thing to media and giving the other team bulletin board material. This week, Dan Shaughnessy of the Boston Globe has taken matters into his own hands and laid down the gauntlet.

In his column, he literally says the Texans have no shot to beat the Patriots.


"The 2012-13 New England Patriots just became the first team in NFL history to get back-to-back byes before advancing to the conference championship game.

"Could this get any easier?

"I mean, seriously? The planets are aligned and the tomato cans are in place. The fraudulent Houston Texans are the only team standing between the New England Patriots and a trip to the AFC Championship game. All the Patriots have to do is beat the terrible Texans. One week from today. At Gillette Stadium.

"Pass Go and collect $200. The Patriots are in the AFC title game."


Arian Foster has taken the bulletin board out of the locker room and into cyberspace by making the first three paragraphs his twitter avatar. People have questioned the toughness of the Texans, but never so brazenly by a reporter no less.

I like the fact the Texans are embracing the challenge, but let’s see how it plays out on Sunday.  

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