Randy Moss Says It All In One Look 

With an NFL Week 1 to rival any in recent history, its pretty amazing that the frozen glare that Randy Moss delivered to Trent Dilfer is among the most trending sports topics on Facebook.

Jumping off what is sure to be an unpredictable and riveting 2016 season, the NFL delivered some last-minute drama, flipped fantasy leagues upside down with key injuries to star players and the arrival of unknown QBs who filled in for legends and more than held their own.

Despite the glorious ratings and quality product, not even the return of Victor Cruz or the departure of RGIII to the IR (surprise, surprise) incite such social media reaction as when Trent Dilfer went in on Colin Kaepernick for protesting on Sunday, and Randy Moss responded with the kind of look grandma gives you when you spill Kool Aid on the white couch without the plastic protector.

Moss probably wanted to call Dilfer “a scrub who owes his entire career — on and off the field — to Ray Lewis”

The captured photo exudes, angry black man face, and the content of the conversation fed right into the racially volatile discourse that has plagued our country the past few months. You knew a photo like this would hit on the social media carousel. Conflict without the resolution is the new Trump in America.

Image titleIt also perfectly captures how Black folks feel when people like Dilfer fail to grasp the deeper purpose in NOT standing for the anthem. It has very little to do with disrespect or being a team player and much to do with standing against a country that is not living up to the virtues and the liberties the flag represents.

Dilfer joins a long line of ex-NFL quarterbacks who dont appreciate Kaepernick and his growing legion of NFL players who continue to refuse to stand for our countrys anthem. These retired players are exhibiting some insensitivity for the families that have been ripped apart by these police tragedies by considering a peaceful protest against police violence and oppression to be a jab at veterans and military service heroes.

The Super Bowl winning QB said that while he respects Kaepernicks passion for the issue, he doesnt respect the way he put himself and his stance above the team. Moss chilled as the former Super Bowl winner made his point, but he did look at Dilfer like he just bought a drink for his girl at the club or something.

Twitter, the intellectual meter of our times, was in a frenzy and the tweets and opinion about the incident are still continuing at this moment. Amazing, the stuff that makes the headlines sometimes.

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