British Footballer Raheem Sterling Decries Media Racism Against Teammates

British soccer star calls out racial bias in the media as helping fuel intolerance. 


Professional soccer player Raheem Sterling has been getting a lion’s share of criticism in the British newspapers for quite some time. Sterling, who made headlines in Russia during the Olympics, is now being quoted as saying British newspapers responsible for much of the racial intolerance he has faced since becoming a pro footballer.

Mind you, this isn’t the first time Sterling has had a racist run-in. Last year a man was jailed for an attempted attack on the Manchester City forward.

Criticism of Sterling had increased to a fever pitch following Manchester City’s defeat of Chelsea, which included an incident highlighted on social media.

The home crowd showered Sterling with boos and catcalls during the first half of the Premier League showdown at Stamford Bridge, some of which were alleged to have been racially disparaging.

Sterling reportedly told covering media that, while he wasn’t surprised by the lewd behavior, he refused to specify exactly what was said.

“I just want to say, I am not normally the person to talk a lot but when I think I need my point heard, I will speak up,” he posted. “Regarding what was said at the Chelsea game, as you can see by my reaction I just had to laugh because I don’t expect no better.”

To hammer home his point regarding inherent bias, Sterling referred to recent headlines about young Manchester City teammates Tosin Adarabioyo and Phil Foden when the duo attempted to buy a home despite not starting a game in Premier League yet. Sterling believes the sensational sounding headlines are triggers for racism.

“So for all the newspapers that don’t understand why people are racist in this day and age all I have to say is have a second thought about fair publicity an(d) give all players an equal chance.”

“The young black kid is looked at in a bad light. Which helps fuel racism an(d) aggressive behaviour,” Sterling wrote.

“I think this is unacceptable, both innocent, have not done a thing wrong but just by the way it has been worded.” Sterling, who recently signed a contract extension with Manchester City.

 Sterling was widely criticized again ahead of this year’s World Cup in Russia for having a tattoo of a gun on his leg.

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