Prichard Colon improving but still in coma

Welterweight boxer Prichard Colon appears to be improving but still remains in a coma. 

Since suffering a serious brain injury in his fight with Terrell Williams on October 17th, Colon has been in the hospital on ventilators and pressure monitors.

“He no longer needs a ventilator, and the doctors have removed the pressure monitors on the brain, which is a very good sign,” promoter Lou DiBella, who put on the card on behalf of the PBC, told on Monday. “Physically, according to the family, Prichard looks 1,000 percent better than he did, and he’s showing signs of moving his extremities. But he’s not out of the coma. He’s not awake. But that said, the family is far more optimistic and hopeful than it was. The doctors feel like Prichard’s recovery is as good as can be expected at this point.”

Following a vicious fight against Williams, once which included low blows, Colon taking a few illegal punches to the back of the head and a controversial ending to the fight, which actually might have saved his life, Colon walked to the dressing room where he got dizzy, vomited, collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. 

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